
Top 6 Management Tools Every Creative Needs

Let’s be honest. Project managing is a stressful job. With coordinating different tasks, managing calendars, keeping strict deadlines, and communicating with team members, your plate gets really full really quickly. You could, of course, always hire a project manager. Or, you could check out some of our favorite management tools below. Each of these is… Continue reading

Code Repositories: What They Are and Why You Should Use Them

So, you’ve started to code and need a way to organize all of your glorious projects. A code repository is what you’re looking for, but where exactly should you start? This article will help you understand what a repo is, what it does, and how it’s going to save your butt. A code repo is… Continue reading

The Pitfalls of Partnering in Business

If you’ve been in business for a while or if you’re just starting out, you may consider a partnership. Maybe you need financing. Maybe you need administrative help. Maybe you’re great at the administrative tasks, but need a little help on the creative side. So partnering up sounds like a great idea, right? Wrong. We’ve… Continue reading